Key real estate brokerage statistics


  • There are around 105,000 real estate brokerages in the United States.
  • The average brokerage employs just under 20 licensed agents. But when adjusting for active full-time agents, the number is closer to 13.
  • The average brokerage makes around $670,000 in gross commissions and $100,000 in gross profit.
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How many real estate brokerages are there in the United States?

There are around 105,000 real estate brokerages in the United States.

How many agents does the average brokerage employ?

The average brokerage employs just under 20 licensed agents. But when adjusting for active full-time agents, the number is closer to 13.

How much revenue does the average brokerage make?

The average brokerage makes around $670,000 in gross commissions.

How much profit does the average brokerage make?

The average brokerage generates around $100,000 in profit after paying splits to agents. But a brokerage may still have many other expenses related to operations. And it may also capture additional revenue from agent fees and other business lines.

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